Friday, 13 February 2015

Generate Wordlist in Ubuntu

Hey Guys,

Today we are going to learn how to generate wordlist in Ubuntu. This is generally useful while cracking wifi Passwords using brute force attack. All the words from the wordlist gets tried to crack the password.

We will be using crunch to generate this wordlist. For this we first need to install crunch.

1. Download crunch from this link.

2. Extract it using this command
                 tar -xvzf crunch-3.4.tgz

3. Move to crunch folder
                cd crunch-3.4

4. Make the required libraries
               sudo make

5. Install crunch using
              sudo makeinstall

This will install crunch. Now simply generate wordlist using
              crunch <min> <max>  (where min is minimum size and max is maximum size of words)

Note :- Refer to man page of crunch to know about other features available.
        Also many of us face problem as the file size generated is in GB's and TB's. A way around is to  to specify start string, generate a file of some size, and when we stop crunch in between it prints the last word on which it stopped so use that word as start word next round.
          crunch <min> <max> -o output.txt -s <start string>

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