Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Downloading APK files directly from Google Play Store

Hey Guys,

Previously it was not possible to download APK files on your computer without using android emulator, but now you can easily download apk files on your computer. Here is a way to do so.


1. Go to Google Play store from your computer and search for the Application you want to download.

2. Copy the link Url and paste it in the box available at http://apps.evozi.com/apk-downloader/

3. Click on Generate Download Link and it will generate the download link. Download the APK file. You can now easily transfer the file to android phone and install the application.


Friday, 13 February 2015

Generate Wordlist in Ubuntu

Hey Guys,

Today we are going to learn how to generate wordlist in Ubuntu. This is generally useful while cracking wifi Passwords using brute force attack. All the words from the wordlist gets tried to crack the password.

We will be using crunch to generate this wordlist. For this we first need to install crunch.

1. Download crunch from this link.

2. Extract it using this command
                 tar -xvzf crunch-3.4.tgz

3. Move to crunch folder
                cd crunch-3.4

4. Make the required libraries
               sudo make

5. Install crunch using
              sudo makeinstall

This will install crunch. Now simply generate wordlist using
              crunch <min> <max>  (where min is minimum size and max is maximum size of words)

Note :- Refer to man page of crunch to know about other features available.
        Also many of us face problem as the file size generated is in GB's and TB's. A way around is to  to specify start string, generate a file of some size, and when we stop crunch in between it prints the last word on which it stopped so use that word as start word next round.
          crunch <min> <max> -o output.txt -s <start string>

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Know the IP addresses of other computers on the same network

Hey Guys,

A lot of us work on shared networks. We all have curiosity to know about other systems on same computer. So today I am going to tell you ways to know the IP address of computers on same network.

Method 1

If you know the computer's network name ping it in the terminal. You will get the IP address of the system.

          ping <computer's network name>

Method 2

Get your own IP address and subnet mask. In Ubuntu system you can use ifconfig command to get these values. The output will be of the given form

Here is the IP address and is the subnet mask. Now for zeros in mask replace those position with 255 in IP address. Here the new IP will be Ping on this IP to get IP address of all computers connected to this network.

Method 3

Enter the following command in terminal

       arp -a

This will show the IP addresses and Mac addresses of all the the systems it knows.


Friday, 6 February 2015

Installing Google Chrome on Ubuntu

Hey Guys,

A lot of us love to use Google Chrome as our default browser. However Ubuntu users face problem as it does not have Chrome installed by default and Chrome is not readily available in Ubuntu Software Center. So here is a way you can install Google Chrome on Ubuntu machine.


1. Download Google Chrome from this link. Save the download file in ~/Downloads/ directory.

2. Open Terminal by pressing Alt+Ctrl+T.

3. Enter following command to go to Downloads directory
                     cd ~/Downloads/

3. Once you are in Downloads directory enter following command in command line.

         sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb

This will install Google Chrome on your machine.

To launch press Alt+F2 and enter Google Chrome. Click on the Google Chrome icon that appears and it will Launch. :)

Thursday, 5 February 2015

How to Load Youtube Videos Faster

Hey Guys,

We all love watching youtube videos and the speed of Internet connectivity affects the video quality and buffering of these videos. Slow Internet connectivity can result in poor video quality and poor buffering which could be irritating at times.

So here is a way around which lets you control the buffering process depending on the network speed.

We will be using a Firefox extension called 'SmartVideo For Youtube'. Similar extension is also available in Google Chrome. So you can use Google Chrome also. There are other extensions also available however this is one of the best. Here are some of the best features of it.


1. Install this extension on Firefox / Google Chrome.

2. After the installation is done, when you play a youtube video you will get several options below the video to set your preferences.

3. Check the Smart Buffer Box.

4. Click on Global Preferences and set the preferences in the dialog that appears.

 Thats all!!! Now try running any videos. They will buffer with a larger speed even with the slow Internet connection. :)

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Crack WEP wifi security in Ubuntu

Hey Guys,

Today we are going to learn some basic wifi hacking. We will be using Fern-wifi-cracker which is extremely easy to use and highly efficient for cracking wifi passwords with WEP security.

Here are the steps:

1. First we will need following components to run Fern-wifi-cracker-
                           - Python
                           - AirCrack-ng
                           - Macchanger
                           - Xterm
                           - Subversion
                           - Python-qt4
 All these can be directly installed using Ubuntu Software Center.

2. Once done with these installation Download Fern-wifi-cracker's debian package from here.

3. Install Fern-wifi-cracker by executing following command-
                  sudo dpkg -i Fern-Wifi-Cracker_1.6_all.deb

4. To Execute Fern-wifi-cracker enter the following command-
                 sudo python /opt/Fern-Wifi-Cracker/execute.py

5.  Following dialog will appear-

Select the Interface and Scan for Access Points. You will get information about the WEP/WPA secured wifi networks available.

6. Click on WEP button to see visible networks with WEP security.

7. Select the wifi network for which you want to crack the password and click on Attack button. This will crack to Wifi password of selected network.

8. The password cracked will be in hex form. Use this to convert it to text.

Note: Time taken to crack password depends on the strength of network.Stay patient. Happy Hacking :)

Monday, 2 February 2015

Ubuntu Notification on process completion

A lot of times it happens that we run a time consuming process and we have to check again and again whether the process has completed. So here is a way around to create a notification when the process completes.


The aplay command in ubuntu lets you play a wav file. The full execution command is

     aplay /home/user/test.wav (aplay path_to_music_file)

We will be creating a short alias for this as

     alias notify="aplay /home/user/test.wav"

Now whenever we run a time consuming process simply add notify command to its end. Eg:

    sudo apt-get update; notify

This will run the audio file once the update is complete and you will be notified of completion :)

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Create Hotspot in Ubuntu for Android Phones

If you have a single wired Internet connection, you can easily setup an ad-hoc wireless network with Ubuntu and share the Internet connection among multiple devices. However sharing Internet connection with android devices could be a problem since it requires an infrastructure ad-hoc.

Here is how to setup ad-hoc on Ubuntu for sharing Internet connection with android devices.

Step 1:
 Press Alt+Ctrl+T to open terminal. When the terminal opens type following command one by one.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install ap-hotspot

Ap-hotspot is an open-source project that automatically creates an infrastructure (Access Point mode) wireless hotspot in Ubuntu that should work with Android and Windows Phone devices

Step 2:

Once done with installing ap-hotspot we need to configure our wireless connection. Enter the following command for configuration

sudo ap-hotspot configure

It will detect the wired & wireless interfaces and ask you to confirm that if they are correct (run ifconfig if you’re not sure). Then you’ll be asked to enter a wifi hotspot name and setup a password.

Step 3:

Once done with the configuration all we need to do is start the hotspot. Enter following command to start hotspot.

sudo ap-hotspot start

Now your android phone should be able to detect the wifi hotspot.

To stop hotspot enter following command

sudo ap-hotspot stop

Note: If you are getting "Access Point Mode is not supported by this device" error try updating to ubuntu 14.04 ;)